Follow our Story, 75 Years of Memories 


In 1945, E. Morris Chisholm, 23 years of age, was sent to Russell, Kentucky for a job on the largest privately owned railroad yard the country. He boarded in ole Mrs. Sutton’s house, which just happened to be next door to the home of Mary Jane Chisholm, 19 years of age. Mrs. Sutton told Mary Jane that a nice young gentleman from Virginia was there but would go home if he didn’t meet anyone soon. With a sense of duty to welcome this poor young man, Mary Jane went over for lemonade on the porch. Their courtship began.

Morris offered to “carry” Mary Jane to the movies and she replied she would love to go but would not be “carried”! Mary Jane invited Morris to the school prom. She had graduated high school, was working and attending college, but the dance was the fun thing to do. Mary Jane sang in a big band and loved to dance. It turned out that Morris was a fine dancer too.

Morris must have fallen immediately head over heels for this beautiful young woman with flowing dark curly hair and an incredibly kind demeanor. She was unlike the girls back home in Virginia. She knew nothing of farming, country ways, gardening or canning of vegetables. Her father owned the local grocery store so she knew how to work and talk with customers and manage the business. That must have been enough for him. A hard-working engineer would surely need a good woman by his side to help him succeed in the world. Mary Jane was that woman and he did not let her slip away.

Morris must have seemed equally unique to Mary Jane. With his strawberry blonde hair, tall, lean build and bright eyes, he spun his natural charm and captured her attention with stories of work and the farm in Virginia. His world was a foreign one to her, as unknown to her as the lands across the sea. She was an only child until 17 years of age when her brother was born. He was the next to youngest of five children, an older sister, two older brothers and one younger brother. They say opposites attract. With the love story of Morris and Mary Jane, it is true.

If you believe in fate, then believe that these two were destined to be lifelong soulmates. Their meeting in 1945 holds the beginning to our magical story.


Family Bonds