Even a Dog Knows When to Lie Down

In the mornings, I tend to wake up slowly, at my own pace. Sometimes it’s early, sometimes late. Lately, the first thing I do is grab my phone and start scrolling through Instagram. Mostly, I want to see what my friends and family are up to. Then I come across a Reel that is inspirational or has a cute dog which is inspiration itself because they always make me smile and laugh (I guess 5 dogs are not enough).

I recently came across a Reel that said something to the effect of, You are only one all-nighter away from getting it all done. LOL. If this were only true, I would pull an all-nighter every week just to have an extra day to not worry about the piles on my desk.

Since I work from home and run my own business, I usually get to set my own schedule. For me, this is a dream. I try to listen to myself and respect my rhythms. When I am energetic and on a roll I can get a bit work obsessed and work hours on end. Sometimes this involves an analytical or accounting task that just has to be done. So I bear down and get it done. My real joy comes from marketing and thinking of new ideas for the business and figuring out how to realize them. It is the puzzle and the process that I love. I am never really sure if the outcome warranted the amount of work but it doesn’t really matter because generally, I love what I do.

When I am tired and foggy, overwhelmed with all of the tasks at hand or maybe a family matter (with six children, even grown adult ones, you are only as happy as your saddest child), I tend to slow down. I try to recognize this and I try not to beat myself up because I cannot focus or be productive. I enjoy a good short nap to reset. Getting outside or doing something active, even cleaning or organizing is a great way to snap out of a doldrum. Music and dance always work. If you drop by and find me alone in the house, with the music cranked up and dancing, you know I am working on something called My Self.

My grandfather used to always say to my grandmother, “Mary Jane, even a dog knows when to lie down”. She would work non-stop and never take a break. She was the Homemaker and she took care of him and her family. Literally, every single thing he needed was done by her. She cooked every meal, cleaned (Jackie came once a week for 4 hours), shopped for all of his clothes and food, drove the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, entertained, planned trips, drove the car on trips and so more. It may sound terrible to the modern person but she did everything she did willingly and with love and dedication to her husband, herself and her family. She loved to work. At 95, almost 96 years young, Gigi still says every time I see her, “I need a job. What can I do?”

My grandfather worked hard all day, starting at 7 am and finishing past 6pm. The difference between my grandfather and grandmother was that he could turn off and rest when she could not. He would stretch out on the sofa or the floor (his bad back was always nagging him and unfortunately this was passed down through the generations) and fall asleep in about 10 seconds. He seemed to have no anxiety or stress when he was not working. He could fish or drive through the fields checking his cattle and fences. Maybe he was able to rest because he knew that he had my grandmother’s support. I think about that often, how lucky he was to be taken care of. He was grateful for her as I am for my Charley who supports me 100% and gives me the strength to do what I do.

While I know that I take after both my grandmother and grandfather, I realize that balance is the key. Life is really about this challenge that lies before us, the challenge of following your dreams and taking care of your Self while following your passion for work and creativity while taking care of your family. I can’t say that I have figured out how to do this successfully but I know this is important.

Listen to your inner voice, don’t ignore the call to slow down. Don’t feel bad about pulling an all-nighter. Do You. Be respectful of your needs while keeping an eye on those around you. I might just pull an all-nighter tonight (4pm Chai Latte and all), but don’t call or text me before 9am, please.


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